Tuesday, January 01, 2019

nothing is really difficult...

शरीरनिरपेक्षस्य दक्षस्य व्यवसास्यिनः 
बुद्धिप्रारब्दकार्यस्य नास्तिम्किञ्चन दुष्करम्॥
śarīranirapekṣasya dakṣasya vyavasāsyinaḥ 
buddhiprārabdakāryasya nāstimkiñcana duṣkaram||

A subhashutam.. giving the quintessence of efficient living

Nothing is really difficult to perform 
for a person
who is not physically dependent..not pulled down by ailments physical or mental
who is alert and efficient
who is eager to work hard
who had stared a work engaged in that work aided and assisted adequately by his intellect and intelligence

Happy new year
K V ananthanarayanan

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