Tuesday, January 01, 2019

leave alone the trivialities...

There is a very interesting episode in the Sundarakandam of Valmiki Ramayanam..

Anjaneyaswamy picks up a quarrel with the demons in Lanka, and wreaks havoc, killing many leading commanders including Akshakumara, the son of Ravana.

Then the valiant son of Ravana, Indrajit comes to fight and subdue the monkey lord..
All the valour and weapons applied by the young demon proves futile and Hanuman was progressing with gusto in his project inundation of Lanka..
As a final measure, Indrajit sent the most potent weapon Brahmaastrm..

Great Lord Anjaneya was actually immune even to that weapon..
He had been assured of that even during his boyhood days.

But then the weapon is in the name of Pitamaha the Brahma, the most supreme God, and the Divinity had to be respected.

Therefore the minister of the monkeys just permitted himself to be bound and yielded to captivity and stood still..

The demons were elated that the rogue monkey was subdued..
They wanted to doubly ensure the captivity..
Therefore they brought in huge lengths of ropes made of flax and fibre and bound the captive all over..

Once a person is bound by the supreme weapon is again tied with silly ropes, the divine powers of the Brahmastra stood withdrawn, and Hanuman just pretended to be in captivity only to facilitate himself to be presented before Ravana..
Hanumanji wanted a face to face exchange with Ravana .

There he had a very matter of fact discussion with the Demon King, and when the demons foolishly set fire to the tail of Hanuman, He just tore off the ropes and flew over Lanka, gutted the city thoroughly and completely, just dipped the tip of his burning tail in the Indian ocean and flew back to India..

This is a very educative story

Many worthy deeds or creations of merits are brought to nullity by the action of some persons, who think themselves to be very wise, and take it upon themselves add some wisdom of theirs by way of word or action to anything under the sun.

I find this especially true in Facebook comments and interjections by some persons. One would have written something after a lot of reading, research, and conscious evaluation..

But the some "wise" person would place a "like" mark and ad lib something quite irrelevant, assuming to himself and attempting to prove to others that he had known everything on the subject years ago, and was patronizing out of indulgence what the poor man has written or was just tolerating it out of magnanimity.

Should we welcome such wisecracks..

Are these wisecracks not trying to capture Hanuman bound Brahmastram by tying Him with some flimsy rope?

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