Friday, January 18, 2019

praise the mother-in -law

praise the mother-in -law

श्वश्रुं विना वृत्तिरिहस्वतन्त्रा प्रायः स्नुषाणामपवादहेतुः
यद्वाणि लोके रमया विहीना सतीमपि त्वां असतीं वदन्ति॥

śvaśruṁ vinā vṛttirihasvatantrā prāyaḥ snuṣāṇāmapavādahetuḥ
yadvāṇi loke ramayā vihīnā satīmapitvvam asateem vadanti||
Perhaps, the independent existence of a daughter-in-law who acts without the support and the consent of the mother in law, creates only scandals and bad name for the daughter in law

The goddess of knowledge, Vaani, though great and extremely chaste, could not hold on for herself if she has to exist without the support of Rema(Lakshmi) the Goddess of wealth..
To understand this we should have some idea of the family relationships of mythological characters in Hinduism..

Vani the Saravathi is he wife of Brahma and Rema the Lakshmi is the wife of Vishnu.. 
Brahma took birth from the lotus sprouting from the navel of Vishnu.. and hence Brahma is the son of Vishnu..

Therefore Rema the Lakshmi who is the wife of Vishnu is the mother in law of Vani the Sarasvathi

The core meaning of the sloka is that even if a person is blessed with a lot of knowledge, if he is not strong financially or if he is not able to earn a lot of wealth, his existence with be of no use to himself or for anyone else..

We know.. usually there will be hardly any love left between a MIL and a DIL.. 
The same chemistry appears to exist between money and knowledge..
True, there are some friendly Mothers in law who act in harmony with their Daughters in law..
May that tribe increase....

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