Wednesday, January 02, 2019

protect us must you...

आयुर्न्नश्यति पश्यतां प्रतिदिनं याति क्षयम् यौवनं
प्रत्यायाति गताः पुनर्न्नदिवसाः कालो जगत् भक्षकः।
लक्ष्मीस्तोयतरङ्गभङ्गचपला विद्युच्चलम् जेवितं
तस्मान्मां शरणागतं करुणया त्वं रक्ष रक्षाधुना॥
āyurnnaśyati paśyatām pratidinam yāti kṣayam yauvanam
pratyāyāti gatāḥ punarnnadivasāḥ kālo jagat bhakṣakaḥ|
lakṣmīstoyataraṅgabhaṅgacapalā vidyuccalam jeeivitam
tasmānmām śaraṇāgatam karuṇayā tvam rakṣa rakṣādhunā||

Shankara..(Shivaparadha Kshamapana Stotram)

May all of us see, our life is just dwindling day by day..
Our youthfulness is vanishing fast.
The days which are gone are gone for ever never to come back.
The time is just swallowing the world like a hungry demon.
The Goddess of wealth is so fickle like the ripples forming on the waves raising and falling on the surface of calm waters..
The life can appear and vanish just like a flash of lightning..
Therefore, Oh Lord Shankara, I have taken refuge on your lotus feet .
Take pity one me, protect me, protect me, without any delay..

word analysis
पश्यतां watch
अस्माकं our
आयुः life counted as age
प्रतिदिनं daily
नश्यति perishes
यौवनं young age
क्षयम् याति diminishes
गताः दिवसाः gone days
पुनःन याति do not come back
कालः जगत भक्षक एव time is the gobbler or the whole world.
लक्ष्मीः the Goddess of wealth
तोयतरङ्गभङ्गचपला fickle as the ripples forming on the eddying waters in a lake
इव वर्तते looks like
जीवितं विद्युच्चलम् एव life is just like a flash of lightning
भगवन् शम्भो Lord Shambo
तस्मात् therefore
शरणागतं who has come taking refuge on you
मां me करुणया with mercy
अधुना now
त्वं you
रक्ष रक्ष protect, protect

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