Tuesday, July 09, 2019


Ankuraarpanam or Paalika thalikkal in Tamil. is a prelude to almost any shubhakaryam or auspicious function.

The tribute is to all the devatas including the digdevatas.

Seeds of all major dhanyams (cereals and pulses) available at the Vedic eon - what we call nava danyas - are soaked in cow's milk and put in earthen receptacles filled with mrittika or special mud and soil mixture placed at cardinal points .
The sprouting is the sign of growth and life.

There are Vedic rituals for collection of the mrittika too.( mrit samgrahanam)

For all samskaras like marriage seemantham upanayanam jathakarmam etc the ankuraarpanam can be done. 
But now we restrict it to major functions. For yajnas and yagas ankuraarpanam is there. 

For ulsavam and kumbhabhishekam or any great function in a temple ankuraarpanam is a must.(the vedic and agamic procedures vary.) 

In fact the Vedic ankuraarpanam is done by the kartha or yajamana after chanting The mantras in company with ritwiks. 

The wife of the kartha (yajamana) and other ladies assist that is all. 

A lady with a living husband and a putra is the best candidate. 

In fact every such lady is respected as Uma and Laksmi. 

The palikas sprout and after four or seven days or more as the case may be, are left in some place with lots and lots of water . 

This is the Vedic tribute to nature. 

The seeds mixed with water milk and mud will never fail to grow. 

Our wish is that the family too should grow like that spontaneously. 

The loukeeka elements like selection of ladies for adding ankuras etc are just social issues. 

The yajamana patni should participate. That is a must

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