Sunday, July 07, 2019

limits and thresholds

विशाखान्तं गता मेघाः प्रसवान्तं हि यौवनम्।
प्रणामान्तं सतां कोपो याचनान्तं हि गौरवम्॥
viśākhāntaṁ gatā meghāḥ prasavāntaṁ hi yauvanam|
praṇāmāntaṁ satāṁ kopo yācanāntaṁ hi gauravam||

The clouds will disappear and the rains would go after the period of Vishakha star.. ( equivalent of mid November)
The ebullient youth of a girl would end and disappear with her first delivery
The anger aroused in a noble person would end once the offender just falls at his feet seeking pardon.
The dignity and respectability of a person just ends once he begs something of another person..

( The year starts with the period of Ashvathi for about 14 days.. from the First of the month Mesham or Chithira.. starting in Middle April..Bharani follows for the next 14 days.. and so on and the days presided over the Star Vishakam would be during November.. the Thula Varsham comes and stops there and there will be no rains for the next five or six months.. as we know)

The girl undergoes physical changes during conception and labour and delivery too.. Moreover, once she has a child of her own, she cannot enjoy the carefree youth.. she is responsible for the child..So her youthfulness ends with the delivery and now She is the Mother.

The anger of a good man is short-lived.. if offended he would flare up.. But if the offender seeks pardon the man would not be able to maintain or sustain that anger and hatred.. it is easy to handle a good person.. But certain people just retain grudges for ever.. and bide for time to retaliate and kill.. Such persons cannot be called good, anyway..

And however big and important you are, once a situation arises where you have to beg for something from others then your dignity and importance receives a permanent and indelible scar.. Just think of what happened to Vamana..

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