Wednesday, November 20, 2019

choose the right candidate

न देयमर्थलुब्धाय पिशुनायास्थिराय च।
भक्तिश्रद्धाविहीनाय शुश्रूषाविमुखाय च॥
na deyamarthalubdhāya piśunāyāsthirāya ca|
bhaktiśraddhāvihīnāya śuśrūṣāvimukhāya ca||

The text mantramahaarnava give a very clear course of action in selection of disciples

in no uncertain terms, it is declared that
A guru should not impart education to a person
who is greedy for money
who is by nature slanderous,wicked and stupid
who is fickle in attitude and unstable and vacillating in his conduct and activities
who is lacking in devotion and focused attention for the discipline of study
who is averse to serve the guru with great care..
The above quote is attributed to kularnavatantra too.

The guru in India was supreme according to traditions..
The history has turned our attitudes upside down it would appear.. Nowadays, the popular demand seems to be that the learned preceptor should run after people of all denominations and offer them knowledge, perhaps even by falling at their feet..
Let us await for the results..
Word Analysis.. ( for serious pursuers of Sanskrit)
गुरुणा by the guru the teacher, the preceptor
अर्थलुब्धाय covetous for money (लुब्ध means greedy covetous, avaricious)
पिशुनाय to the one who is slanderous, back biting, malignant, wicked, low, vile, contemptible, foolish, stupid ( all these meanings are illustrated by Apte Dictionary)
अस्थिराय fickle and unstable in mind and attitudes
भक्ति- श्रद्धा- विहीनाय who is bereft of devotion, and dedicated attention for the task on hand
शुश्रूषा विमुखाय च for the one who is not ready to render humble service to t he guru,
नराय to the man
विद्या न देयं education, knowledge should not be given

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