Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Weapons given by Visvamitra to Rama

Weapons given by Visvamitra to Rama

was reading Valmikiramayanam Balakandam, chapter 28.. In this chapter and the earlier Chapter, the details of potent weapons that were taught to Rama by sage Visvamitra are listed in great detail.

An entire chapter in Ramayanam , namely, the twenty seventh of Balakandam is utilized to name all those weapons..

In fact the list includes both Pasupathaastram and Brahmaastram..which are considered to be the most potent weapons..

It is interesting to note that Sage Visvamamitra imparted all the spells and formulas for these weapons to Rama..
Immediately, as approved by Visvamitra, all these weapons are imparted by Rama himself to Lakshmana..

To get initiated by the Lord Himself.. That was the great fortune of Lakshmana..

He is indeed doubly lucky..

The details of weapons imparted by Visvamitra to Rama.. condensed from the relevant portion of Valmiki Ramayanam..

Sage Visvamitra tells Rama
Oh Darling Prince Rama, I am pleased with you on account of your steadfastness and sweet behavious and humility.. I am imparting to you the science and techniques of all major weapons that I know of.. With those weapons you can just control and win over all who oppose you even if they are demons, demi gods or even gods, gandharvas, yakshas etc.
First I shall impart to you the potent science of Dandachakra that will enable you to use all the weaponry with utmost potency.. I am giving you Dharmachakra, Kaalachakra, Veerachakra and the Indra Astra.. I am imparting to you the Vajra Astra and the Shaiva Pashupata Astram. I am giving you Brahmashir Astram, Aishika Astram, Deva Chakram and the great Brahma Astram itself. I am giving you two mazes Modaki and Shikhari. Both these maces have the power to shine brightly by themselves .. I am giving you the noose of Dharma the yama, the kalapasham, and Varuna astram and Varuna Pasham, I am giving you two weapons in the shape of Ashani or thunderbolt, I am giving you Pinaka Astram, Narayana Astram, I am giving you my favourite Agneya Astram and the Vayavya Astram which is called Prathanam.. I am giving you Hayashira, Krauncha, astrams and two potent spears or Shakthis, and all these would be of immense use to you for decimating the Rakshasas.
I am giving you Kankala astram, Kankana Astram, Musala Astram and Kaapalaa astram.. which are all usually applied in combat by demons.. I am giving you the celebrated Vidhyadhara Astram, and the gem of a sword called Nandanam.
I am giving you my favourite Gandharva astram named Manavam and two weapons which would cause stupor and seelpiness.. prasvapanam and debilitation..prashamanam.. on the enemies. I am also giving you the arrow of the Sun.. soura astram.. I am giving you astram which would induce arrogance and delusion on the victims, which would make the victims completely drained out, that would induce burning sensation, that would make people cry in sorrow, arrows that would induce amorousness in a false way and the effect of which is irresistible, and added to this I am giving you Sammohana Astram which would cause complete lack of senses and induce confusion, and I am also giving you the Paishacham Astram. I am giving you Tamasam, Samvartham, Maausalam, Satyam, Durdharsham Maayaadharam, Sauram, Tejah prabham which just douses the power of others, Shishira Astram related to Soma, the sharp and damaging Twaashtra Astram, The weapon of Bhaga called Sheeteshu, and finally the Manava Astram too.
Raghava, receive all these weapons and may you quickly grasp the application of all these weapons.
Saying the Sage Visvamitra imparted all the weapons along with their supporting mantras to Rama, sitting facing east..

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