Tuesday, November 19, 2019

sacrifice is supreme

हसता लभ्यते नारी रुदता लभ्यते धनम्।
पठता लभ्यते विद्या त्यजता लभ्यते यशः॥

hasatā labhyate nārī rudatā labhyate dhanam|
paṭhatā labhyate vidyā tyajatā labhyate yaśaḥ||

A nice quote from Samayochita padyamaalikaa

A person who smiles.. that is who is having a pleasant demeanour would get a good wife.
A person who is always running after money cringing and crying and who takes a lot of pain that would make him cry, would get a lot of money
A person who sits day and night and learns would acquire knowledge and erudition
A person who would give up whatever he has to help others would earn eternal fame..

Of course a smiling man would get a good wife.. and a lady with a nice smile would get a good husband.. So no gender discrimination is intended..

A lot of cringing, sweating and crying is necessary to earn money.. A lot of self negation too..

We can learn only the hard way.. no shortcuts.
And only sacrifice can bring in eternal fame..

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