Tuesday, November 19, 2019

silence is a boon ...

मूर्खोऽपि शोभते तावत्सभायां वस्त्रवेष्टितः।
तावच्च शोभते मूर्खो यावत्किंचिन्न भाषते॥
mūrkho'pi śobhate tāvatsabhāyāṁ vastraveṣṭitaḥ|
tāvacca śobhate mūrkho yāvatkiṁcinna bhāṣate||

A very relevant quote from the celebrated collection of Subhashitams.. Samayochita Padyamaalikaa
Even a doubly distilled idiot would be shining as a star if he is dressed in showy and shining attire..
But the idiot shines.. just till he does not open his mouth to speak anything..

It was age old wisdom..
Now, dressed or not, everywhere, be is assembly or a street corner, many people with brilliant brain or brain of hare just wag their tongue.. and in this process deceives others and grabs power and votes too..
Now, the person who keeps his mouth shut is as good as dead..

Analysis of words
वस्त्रवेष्टितः attired in nice clothes मूर्खः अपि even a fool
सभायां in a public assembly
तावत् शोभते shines for a time

सः He
तत्र तावत् शोभते shines there till that time
यावत् किंचित् न भाषते.. as long as he does not speak anything..

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