Saturday, November 30, 2019

the appropriate supports and backups

ऐश्वर्यस्य विभूषणं सुजनता शौर्यस्य वाक्संयमो
ज्ञानस्योपशमः कुलस्य विनयो वित्तस्य पात्रे व्ययः।
अक्रोधस्तपसः क्षमा बलवतां धर्मस्य निर्व्याजता
सर्वेषामपि सर्वकारणमिदं शीलं परं भूषणम्॥
भर्तृहरेः नीतिशतके ८०
aiśvaryasya vibhūṣaṇaṁ sujanatā śauryasya vāksaṁyamo
jñānasyopaśamaḥ kulasya vinayo vittasya pātre vyayaḥ|
akrodhastapasaḥ kṣamā balavatāṁ dharmasya nirvyājatā
sarveṣāmapi sarvakāraṇamidaṁ śīlaṁ paraṁ bhūṣaṇam||
bhartṛhareḥ nītiśatake 80
The philosopher king.. and poet and grammarian Bhartruhari in his Neeti Shatakam lists the most desirable qualities in men and also the qualities that add greater value such basic accomplishments.
When one is rich, his benevolence acts as an embellishment to such affluence.
When one is really valorous, he will gain great respect if he is restrained and very balanced in use of words
When he is highly learned, his humility would look like the crowning gem for such wealth of knowledge
The humble and restrained behaviour would be the indicator of his birth in a noble clan
The ultimate merit for his possession of money to spend would be judged by the way he spends his money for the right purposes and on the right people.
If he is endowed with spiritual attainments like penance and sadhana, the real ornament for such achievement is his capacity to control his anger even under great provocation.
The real ornament for a very strong person is his capacity to be patient with others
The peak decoration for the steadfastness in following the rules of dharma is the capacity for remaining honest and transparent.
Above all, over and above all the above attainments, the most distinctive ornament for a noble person is his spotless character..

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