Sunday, December 01, 2019

musings 69

My answer to a query as whether the proper path for a Hindu is just to follow the vedic rites... and practices.. as professed by some organization.. or whether worship of idols, symbols and forms could be permitted..

The philosophy of the people who inhabited the Indian Peninsula or sub continent was very catholic.. We can find what we call Hinduism. Jainism, Buddhism and ever so many minor and medium sized faith following different modes of worship gelling together here..
The blessed Lord Krishna in Gita puts its succinctly... Yo yadaa maam prapadyante, taan tadaiva bhajaamyaham ये यथा मां प्रपद्यन्ते तांस्तथैव भजाम्यहम्

"whoever approach me in whatever way I am also responding to them that way.."
Of course Vedas stress on worship through Agni and Yajnas.. but that is only one method..
It is very difficult to see any findings there that there should not be any other mode of worship..
And Tantras and Agamas and Puranas.. which fuse together Vedic mode of worship with temple and idol worship.. have developed a very clear and harmonious synthesis..
Even in places of worship where the routine poojas are rather crude, a few days are earmarked when some practitioner of Veda would go and do some agni Karyam..

In Kumbhabhishekam and such functions, agni karyam is a must even now.. and Vedas are chanted, although the core practice is idol worship

Our philosophy and religious ethos tend to underline that idea that Sagunopasana, Nirgunopasana, Vedic Worship, Tantric Worshsip, Agamic Worshiip, Tribal worship.. all are just paths or bridges or routes that connect the Divine being with the human devotee or worshiper..
Each following his own mode or mixture of modes would think that his mode is superior and more convenient.. that is quite natural.. and understandable too.
But if followers of any particular mode are so much obsessed to cling on to the view that their own mode is exclusive and would decry and discourage the modes followed by others, that is not right.
If Arya Samajists say that the Path of Vedas is great, others need not have any reservation in respecting their choice.
But if that sect tried to hold that their path alone is right, then that is not in line with the Philosophy and ethos of India..

See, even Vedic rites often gets metamorphosed into mystic rites.. as Samhita part of the vedas evolves into Brahmanas and Aranyakas and Upanishads.. and in Upanishads, the same yajnas which were performed on direct fire through practices involved in Brahmanas.. are performed as an offer to the symbolic fire ever present in the core centre inside the Sadhaka..or worshiper

Even Idol worship.. can be cited as a path where the worshiper gets acquainted and becomes emotionally attached to the Divinity and from such realization, the worshiper can graduate into a sadhaka who would attempt and succeed in realizing the real core of the Supreme Brahman..

I just wanted to say that by just showing contempt to any mode of worship, one would only defeat the spirit of unity .. which is the hallmark of Sanatana Dharma..

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