Wednesday, December 18, 2019

each thing has its slot and significance...

रहिमन् देखी बढेन् को लघु न दीजिये ढारि जहाँ काम आवै सुई कहा करै तलवारी
Rahim says...
Do not neglect the weak and small ones just keeping in mind the big and mighty. What can a sword do in a place where all we need is just a needle?

उच्छेत्तुं प्रभवति यन्न सप्तसप्तिः तन्नैशं तिमिरमपाकरोति चन्द्रः
However bright the sun who travels in a chariot of seven horses and who spreads all the seven coloured rays of light is , he is incapable of removing the darkness of the night. Only the lesser powerful moon can do that ..

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