Wednesday, December 18, 2019

qualities of a best friend...

शुचित्वं त्यागिता शौर्यं समत्वं सुखदुःखयोः।
दाक्षिण्यं चानुरक्तिश्च सत्यता च सुहृद्गुणाः॥
śucitvaṁ tyāgitā śauryaṁ samatvaṁ sukhaduḥkhayoḥ|
dākṣiṇyaṁ cānuraktiśca satyatā ca suhṛdguṇāḥ||

The fine qualities that are the hallmarks of a good friend are..

Transparency in dealing with a friend
Willing to sacrifice for his sake
Bold and strong stand in defence of the friend
Identical approach withunflinching loyalty whether the situation is favourable or adverse
Genuine affection and concern for the welfare of the friend.
And unadulterated frankness and honesty in dealing with the affairs of the friend..

Can we find friends having such qualities.. ?
Can we ever be friends having such qualities..?

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