Wednesday, December 04, 2019

inviting grief with full knowledge...

अजानन् दाहात्म्यं पततु शलभस्तीव्रदहने
स मीनोऽप्यज्ञानाद् बडिशयुतमश्नातु पिशितम्।
विजानन्तोऽप्येते वयमिह विपज्जालजटिलान्
न मुञ्चामः कामानहह गहनो मोहमहिमा॥
भर्त्रुहरेः वैराग्यशतके॥।१८

ajānan dāhātmyaṁ patatu śalabhastīvradahane 
sa mīno'pyajñānād baḍiśayutamaśnātu piśitam|
vijānanto'pyete vayamiha vipajjālajaṭilān
na muñcāmaḥ kāmānahaha gahano mohamahimā||
bhartruhareḥ vairāgyaśatake|||18

From Bhartruhari’s vairagyashatakam 
The moth may just flying into the scorching fire without knowing the capacity to burn it completely.
The fish too, because of its ignorance would eat into the meaty worm tied to the bait and get caught and killed
Such things happen due to ignorance
But alas, we humans, even though we are fully aware of the dangers of getting entangled in the web of desires, still do not abandon such temptations.. It is indeed very sad, very sad.. The power of temptation is too compelling.

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