Friday, December 27, 2019

maximum benefit at minimum cost

शुष्कोपवासो धर्मेषु भैषज्येषु च लङ्घनम्।
जपयज्ञस्तु यज्ञेषु रोचते लाभशालिनाम्॥
śuṣkopavāso dharmeṣu bhaiṣajyeṣu ca laṅghanam|
japayajñastu yajñeṣu rocate lābhaśālinām||

A person who is alway eager to make positive material benefit
would prefer the vow of eating little or no food as the best ritual
would prefer the medication of complete fasting as the best medicine
would choose the yajna of chanting divine names for ever as the best yajna..

In a positive way.. the idea is very noble..
A man is entitled to earn profits.. And Upavaasam or restricting food is a nice religious vow.. The best route for recovery when one is sick is to starve.. And among yajnas, chanting the names of the Lord is accepted as the best even by the Blessed lord Krishna..

But take the case of a miser..
His eye is always on profiteering and spending as little money as possible.
If he is asked to observe some ritual.. he would select only the ritual of Upavasam.. For him that would mean no expenditure on food.. But no other expenditure on poojas and rituals.

If he is asked to take medication when he is sick, he would prefer to starve and wait for recovery.. Because this process does not involve fees to doctor and expenditure on drugs.

If he is asked to select a yajna, he would select Japayajna.. He can just sit in the corner of his house and chant the names of God.. For other yanjnas, a lot of money would have to be spend on rituals, dakhinas, food and so on.. But Japayajna is practically free of cost..

So the miser always wins..

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