Friday, December 27, 2019

Musings 100

it is said that when a venomous snake injects venom on a victim, what actually it does is to fill the veins of the affected person with the nourishment the snake has stored up for its own growth and sustenance ( snake venom is nothing but a sort of protein)..

And when a session of such eruption of venom is over, the snake become weak and drained off.. and it has to hide itself from enemies for long periods, to replenish its bag of poison..

So, it is believed that a snake avoids attack with its poison fangs to the greatest extent possible.

Some write-ups of some quality given out by us in social media or otherwise are also somewhat like this..

At first we produce beautiful , melodious, idyllic and imaginative pen-pictures that evoke appreciation and empathy.

Encores or repeated success at short intervals are nearly impossible because we actually run out of imagination and creativity and have to get the battery recharged..

But the kudos gained make us oblivious to reality, and even if we sense the depletion in creativity, we continue to churn out abracadabra expecting the same response.. and invariably we fail and look like fools..

This is nature's law..
But we tend to apply such laws to others but forget to remember that we ourselves are also part of the same nature..

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