Saturday, December 28, 2019

musings 105

We just think or presume there is a golden rule.. right things only would be happening to good people and bad things alone would be happening to sinners and all..
Are there any such rules? 
Most of the things happening in the life of an individual or any group or nation or even the universe are happening at random..
We are simply trying to analyse things by classifying them into definable niches.. but such definitions are not there or if such definitions are there they are not realistic..
To live a righteous and honest life is good for the society.. more for the society than the individual..
If faith in the justice of the Divine would fairly keep the world in track that is nice..
But just because that is nice, we cannot take it as the law..
We know nothing about God, Serendipity, Providence..
Every religious text is based on so much presumptions which are unfounded and unsubstantiated.
I do not say we should not live a righteous life,
I do not say we should not pray,
I do not say we should not love all our friends,
I do not say we should not live a moral life..
all these are great beyond words..
But if we expect that good alone will happen if we do good, and that good will not happen to the people who transgress the limits of decency, then we have no concrete basis to believe so..

Best thing is, we can choose to be good, for the goodness in it, without much expectation..
Accidents and unexpected interruptions do happen in any life, irrespective of whether the life was lived according to a certain set pattern of morality or not..

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