Saturday, December 28, 2019

musings 106

It is nothing new..
But my new year resolution is to control and if possible kill the imp and the cynic in me... before the combination kills me..

I confess I have attempted it many times but somehow the urge to point out others mistakes and shortcomings and to pass comments ranging from those which are openly hostile and therefore hurting to apparently sweet but venomous and again hurting, has been my habit.. and idle mind amply provided by retirement has in fact run the workshop whose owner the devil and which has been taken on a cheap lease by me and is churning out lots and lots vitriol.. It has to be stopped.
All, and each one, has the right to express his own views, in his own style and the only golden rule is that he should not cause hurt to others..

No one is appointed as a social reformer ex-officio, nor as a social critic even if you are retired, and you have nothing else to do.

Kanfusion, learn not to poke your nose in the direction of stinking gas, and never try to sneeze to spread virus..

God help Kanfusion.

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