Monday, December 16, 2019

the real poison

न विषं विषमित्याहु ब्रह्मस्वं विषमुच्यते।
विषमेकाकिनं हन्ति ब्रह्मस्वं सकलं कुलम्॥
na viṣaṁ viṣamityāhu brahmasvaṁ viṣamucyate|
viṣamekākinaṁ hanti brahmasvaṁ sakalaṁ kulam||

this is a warning for rulers, musclemen tricksters and people who just steal or grab the wealth and earnings of holy spiritual institutions and public trusts

What we call as poison not the real poison.. meaning that the poison has a limited effect.. The poison can kill or destroy only who consumes it or who comes in contact with it..

But the real poison is the wealth of public enterprises like temples and such institutions.. If some people grab or misuse such property, it becomes a poison and destroy the entire family, clan or social group of such a sinner..

Of course, it is another matter that no one nowadays is afraid of either God or temple, snake or poison..

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