Monday, December 16, 2019

they cannot understand..

दश धर्म न जानन्ति धृतराष्ट्र निबोध तान्।
मत्तः प्रमत्त उन्मत्तः श्रान्तः क्रुद्धो बुभुक्षितः।
त्वरमाणश्च लुब्धश्च भीतः कामी च ते दशः॥
महाभारते उद्योगपर्वनि॥३३-१०१-१०२
daśa dharma na jānanti dhṛtarāṣṭra nibodha tān|
mattaḥ pramatta unmattaḥ śrāntaḥ kruddho bubhukṣitaḥ|
tvaramāṇaśca lubdhaśca bhītaḥ kāmī ca te daśaḥ||
mahābhārate udyogaparvani||33-101-102

A very profound statement by Vidura in Mahabharatam, while rendering advise to his elder brother Dhritarashtra..
This is part of Vidura vakyam or Vidura neeti
The meaning of the slokam

Oh Dhritarashtra
Ten types of people never care for propriety or virtue.. that is Dharma
They are --
1.The arrogant and self-sure person
2. The careless person
3.The person who is mad
4. The person who is physically tired and mentally exhauste
5.The person who is very angry
6. The person who is starving
7.The person who is in an unreasonable hurry
8. The person who is mean or stingy
9. The person who is under the grip of fear
10. The person who is infatuated towards the fairer sex or who is excessively avaricious towards physical pleasures.

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