Saturday, January 04, 2020

different though from the same source....

भवत्येकस्थले जन्म गन्धस्तेषां पृथक् पृथक्।
उत्पलस्य मृणालस्य मत्स्यस्य कुमुदस्य च॥
bhavatyekasthale janma gandhasteṣāṁ pṛthak pṛthak|
utpalasya mṛṇālasya matsyasya kumudasya ca||

Another gem from the treasury of great Sayings, Subhashita Ratna Bhandagaram.
The water lily, the lotus stalk, fish and the night lotus.. all are born in the same place ( a reservoir or a lake).. But their scents are separate and distinct..
The advise given is that one should not judge the merits or demerits of a thing based just on the place of origin.. or common circumstances of growth..
Each thing has certain inherent qualities, and the place of living or the mode of living cannot change those qualities completely..
We see many plants, and flowers in the same garden.. They all grow together, they all bloom together but they have different types of stems, leaves, flowers...The flowers smell differently..The fruits taste differently..
We can see this happening in human life too.. People born in the same place, same family, to the same parents, have different and often conflicting habits and conduct.. Some are good, some are neutral, some are outright bad..
We cannot judge people just by their ancestry, place of living, ethnicity and such general factors..
There can be good people and bad people among all groups..
We should never be prejudiced..

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