Friday, January 03, 2020

wealth and comforts come in search of such people

उत्साहसम्पन्नमदीर्घसूत्रं क्रियाविधिज्ञं व्यसनेष्वसक्तम्।
शूरं कृतज्ञं दृढसौहृदं च लक्ष्मीः स्वयं मार्गति वासहेतोः॥
utsāhasampannamadīrghasūtraṁ kriyāvidhijñaṁ vyasaneṣvasaktam|
śūraṁ kṛtajñaṁ dṛḍhasauhṛdaṁ ca lakṣmīḥ svayaṁ mārgati vāsahetoḥ||

The Goddess of wealth seeks for chooses the person voluntarily for her constant company..
The person who is rich in enthusiasam
The person who is not a procrastinator or slow coach
The person who is efficient and resourceful in his own line of work
The person who is not overly affected and depressed by setbacks and sorrows in life
The person who is bold and active physically
The person who is ever grateful and never forgets a favour
The person who is fast and sincere in his friendships

This is a quote from the classic Panchatantram of Vishnu Sharama

Wealth success and comforts in life come so naturally to such persons..
But the list of attributes seem to be what we all would want to possess but are endowed with very rarely..
And if a person is such an epitome of all that is good, then wealth is rather his slave rather than he being a runner after comforts..

We often aim at stars.. may be we would reach some treetop..
Still something is better than nothing..

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