Wednesday, February 05, 2020

A prayer to Lord Ganesha...

A prayer to Lord Ganesha...

नितान्तकान्त दन्तकान्तिं अन्तकान्तकात्मजं
अचिन्त्यरूपं अन्तहीनंअन्तराय कृन्तनम्
हृदन्तरे निरन्तरं वसन्तं एव योगिनाम्
तम् एकदन्तं एकं एव चिन्तयामि सन्ततम्॥
शङ्कराचर्यविरचिते गणेश पचरत्ने
nitāntakānta dantakāntim antakāntakātmajam
acintyarūpam antahīnam antarāya kṛntanam
hṛdantare nirantaram vasantam eva yoginām
tam ekadantam ekam eva cintayāmi santatam ||
śaṅkarācaryaviracite ganeśa pacaratne

This is a sublime praise and prayer to Lord Ganesha.. the destroyer of all impediments.. It is believed to have been composed by Shankara and is part of the collection of five gems (pancharatna) hymn in praise of that elephant faced Supreme Lord

I am meditating for ever on that God Lord Ganesha with a single tusk
Who is unique and without any equals

Who is showering the resplendent beauty of the most attractive single tusk

Who is the son of the Lord Shankara, who killed Yama the god of death.

Whose form is so imposing that it is beyond the imagination of anyone

Who is existing for ever and is without any end

Who is capable of shattering to pieces, the impediments faced by all those who are dependent on Him


Who is ever living in the core of the hearts of yogins, the sages or the realized souls.

Lord Ganesha is having the face of an elephant.. He had two tusks.. But it is believed that He broke one of his tusks and used it as a pen to record Mahabharatam..

Lord Shiva or Shankara, saved Markandeya from death by kicking to death Yama the god of death..

word analysis
नितान्तकान्त shining without interruption
दन्तकान्तिम् the attractiveness of the tusk
अन्तकान्तकात्मजम् the son of the slayer of the god of death अचिन्त्यरूपम् of imposing form beyond human imagination
अन्तहीनम् one who is without any end, destruction
अन्तराय कृन्तनम् shatterer of impediments to those who are devoted to him
योगिनाम् sages, realized souls
हृदन्तरे at the core of the heart
निरन्तरम् वसन्तम् एव staying for ever too
तं that एकदन्तं one having single tusk
एकं एव that unique one without comparison

चिन्तयामि संततं ever thinking ever meditating upon

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