Thursday, February 06, 2020

the worst readers and students|

the worst readers and students|

गीती शीघ्री शिरः कम्पी यथालिखितपाठकः।
अनर्थज्ञोऽल्पकण्ठश्च षडेते पाठकाधमाः॥
gītī śīghrī śiraḥ kampī yathālikhitapāṭhakaḥ|
anarthajño'lpakaṇṭhaśca ṣaḍete pāṭhakādhamāḥ||

The following learners and expostulators are considered the most inferior among those pursue knowlledge, according to Panini.. as mentioned in his text Panini Shikshaa.

Panini identifies six types, jointly and severally..

1.One who reads and recites as if what he is learning is a song ( of course lyrics.. and Sama Veda which has to be sung.. have to be exempted )

2.One who reads or recites too fast

3.One who reads or recites shaking his head perhaps showing off his learnedness and self importance.( Most of the present generation priests and quacks do that effectively)

4.One who just reads from written text.. worse if he reads from a manuscript whose correctness is not validated.

5.One who has not understood the meaning of what he is reading, and worse still one who has understood the mening of what he reads or recites, all wrong

6.One who reads and recites in a muffled or subdued voice and tone.. ( of course this is not to encourage noise pollution by shouting)

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