Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Each character is great in his or her own way

Every concept, subject or entity has its optimal strength and efficacy within a certain spectrum of activity.
When activities overshoot these spectral boundaries the efficiency may dwindle or get annulled even.
At that stage the entity is forced to draw support from other entities with optimal efficiencies in those areas.
For example a doctor facing a legal issue takes help from a lawyer and the lawyer takes medicine from the doctor when he ha flu.
This does not mean that the doctor is superior to the man in black gown or the lawyer is superior to the gentleman in white coat.
In the comparison among Krishna Hanuman and Arjuna we tend to give a tag of superiority to Krishna and Hanuman and a wee bit of inferiority to Arjuna.

A true connoisseur can view all the characters as of equal significance and enjoy the vagaries and vascillation in individual qualities and conflicts among various characters.
Why should we presume that Arjuna is inferior to the other two..and find or invent justifications for that?
Each character is great in his or her own way

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