Tuesday, February 25, 2020

musings 115

In religious life as well as in social life. people do not follow most rules..
and if they follow they follow such rules in an abridged, perfunctory, and showy manner.. without much sincerity..

Rules are not followed by most people unless there is direct and effective evil consequences occurring in a direct way

People will not drink poison, not because there is a rule against suicide... but because they have already seen and experienced the misery and horror of death following such action..

But what is stated in Vedas and Shastras.. if not followed may not result in evil consequence immediately..
and even the evil happenings if at all they occur, can never be logically tagged to acts of omissions in good conduct..as prescribed.

To follow or not follow is the mans or woman's choice, and it is his or her privilege to face the consequences too..

And if someone makes the statement that nobody follows the rules, that is too much of generalization..
Many follow fully, or partially..

And each Individual has to ask himself whether he can follow at least some golden rules, rather than raising the question as to whether others are following..

When the majority of the people do not follow the law, laws of the state, law of the society, and the law of spirituality as the case may be, it is anarchy, and it is a dangerous phase of the society and nation from where fast slide towards destruction of the self and the society is the only possible consequence.

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