Thursday, February 20, 2020

half baked...

अज्ञः सुखमाराद्यः सुखतरं आराद्यते वेशेषज्ञः।
ज्ञानलवदुर्विदग्धं ब्रह्माऽपि नरं न रञ्चयति॥
ajñaḥ sukhamārādyaḥ sukhataraṁ ārādyate veśeṣajñaḥ|
jñānalavadurvidagdhaṁ brahmā'pi naraṁ na rañcayati||
അജ്ഞ സുഖം ആരാധ്യഃ സുഖതരം ആരാധ്യതെ വിശേഷജ്ഞ:
ജ്ഞാന ലവ ദുര്‍വിദഗ്ദം ബ്രഹ്മാ അപി നരം ന രഞ്ജയതി
It is very easy to convince a person and to have a healthy working arrangement with a man who is practically ignorant..
It is even more easier to deal with a person who is an expert or having specialized knowledge on the subject on hand.
But even the Maker of all mankind, Brahmadeva cannot please a person who has somehow acquired partial and half baked knowledge and has become dogmatic and has convinced himself that the little knowledge he has acquired is all that is right ..

We see this in a positive way in our own learning process..
A child who is not initiated to the ways of the world can be trained or taught with ease..
A person who has attained dexterity in a field would also find no difficulty in absorbing periodical updating..
But the asinine persons who try to learn a few things right or wrong and then close their minds can never be responsive to any progressive or for that matter any fresh inputs..

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