Friday, February 21, 2020

lingering around suffering insults...

स्थानं उत्सृज्य गच्छन्ति सिंहाः सत्पुरुषा गजाः।
तत्र एव निधनं यान्ति काकः कापुरुषामृगाः॥
हितोपदेशे १०४
sthānaṁ utsṛjya gacchanti siṁhāḥ satpuruṣā gajāḥ|
tatra eva nidhanaṁ yānti kākaḥ kāpurṣā mṛgāḥ||
hitopadeśe 104

A very thought provoking statement found in the great compendium of animal stories.. Hitopadesham.. by Narayana Pandita

Having suffered insult or challenge to dignity and being not prepared to live in captivity and demeaning conditions, the lions, noble persons and the elephants just abandon their living environs and leave for ever.

However crows, mean and wretched people and deer, hover around the original habitats, even if they are driven off again .. and get killed in the bargain..

Yes, the proud and honourable persons do not take insults lightly.. They can either fight and perish.. and if they realize that they could not fight and survive with honour, they would just leave the place for ever.. never to return..

However some wretched persons just persist, cringing and crawling at the feet of the enemies.. and sooner or later get finished off..

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