Friday, February 28, 2020

stick on to stick wherever necessary.

लालनात् बहवो दोषाः ताडनात् बहवो गुणाः।
तस्मात् पुत्रं च शिष्यं च् ताडयेत् न तु लालयेत्॥
lālanāt bahavo doṣāḥ tāḍanāt bahavo guṇāḥ|
tasmāt putraṁ ca śiṣyaṁ c tāḍayet na tu lālayet||
(Indeed a very controversial idea by any modern standards..)
The above quote is attributed to Chanakya
He says
"There are many disadvantages by being solicitous to people and wielding the stick yields very beneficial results.
Therefore to a son or a disciple, one should never be solicitous or openly affectionate, but punishment through thrashing should be the better means of getting good result."

The idea may seem abhorrent to the younger generation..
But our seniors used to be votaries of the above philosophy in thought, spirit and action..

"Spare the rod and spoil the child" was the maxim..

One fact remains..
The parents and teachers of yesteryears were not averse to wielding the stick when sons or disciples were concerned..
And the juniors never rebelled for all practical purposes..

Chanakya lived and thought in an era where discipline was of paramount importance..
Now discipline is a blunt cliche..

Maybe the idea works in the reverse way on many occasions..
The students, and/or as the case may be are not averse to use the rod against the teachers and/or the parents as the case may be..
Idam na mama... इदं न मम the idea is not mine.

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