Saturday, February 29, 2020

Musings 117

The problem with life is that we are all aware of the terms
fairness, equality, justice.. and related ideas and principles.. 

But the test for determining the measure of these ideas, the mode of delivery of these ideas , and balancing of these when the delivery of each of these ideas might work to tilt the equitable distribution of other variables, all these are very delicate matters posing serious challenges to us.. 
Therefore delivery of dharma is ever a tight rope walk..
That is why it is said in Mahabharatham..
धर्मस्य तत्वं निहितं गुहायां dharmassya tattvam nihitam guhaayaam 
the real substance of Dharma is hidden in the dark recesses of a cave.. 

And the capacity to go somewhere near the optimum, if not perfect distribution of all these varying parameters is what differentiates between the ordinary purusha and the purushottama.. 

Even the best of men may falter.. 
And even those who are balanced at certain point of time, might err in the course of time
And people who could be fair and neutral when it comes to persons, places, and situation not directly connected to them or their near and dear, might waver, and even tend to be subjective when the targets are connected with them in some way or other physically or emotionally..

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