Monday, March 09, 2020

best policy is to avoid ..

वर्जयेत् क्षुद्रसंवादमदुष्टस्य च दर्शनम्। 
विरोधं सह मित्रेण संप्रीतिं शत्रुसेविना॥ 
गरुडपुराणे आचारकाण्डे १०८-३ 

varjayet kṣudrasaṁvādamasduṣṭasya ca darśanam| 
virodhaṁ saha mitreṇa saṁprītiṁ śatrusevinā|| 
garuḍapurāne ācārakāṇḍe 108-3 

A thoroughly professional advice found in Garuda Puranam 

One should give up for ever the following 

1. Argument with silly and belligerent people 
2. Meeting with fellows who are not good.. who are cruel.. 
3. Enmity with good friends 
4. Amity or camaraderie with people who are in the service of 
the enemy 

Most of the time, especially in social media and in the hyperactive visual dissemination of (mis)information most of us are just discussing and debating silly things with silly people, and we are also becoming silly in the most matching way.. 

A lot of thoughts required here. 

The bad thoughts and tendencies have a knack of spreading like germs causing epidemics.. People who carry grudges, people who have no goodwill for others, can be very silent or even silent and suave and genial too.. It is better to avoid such people.. The stinking core might be concealed through some thin coat of geniality, but evil is always evil.. Best thing is to avoid such pests. 

Life and its activities are very complex. And human conduct, in spite of the best efforts, can result in some frictions and outbursts.. Even the best of friends can be caught in a tirade of arguments and often violent verbal or physical exchanges.. But the best thing to understand is that there can be no staple enmity between friends.. true friends.. and the best way is to make amends and hold hands and embrace .. at the earliest.. It is not shameful to go even out of the way to save a genuine friendship 

In an outburst of geniality, or in an attempt to show off our cosmopolitan outlook, we tend to show misplaced friendship with people who are in the service of people or nations or social groups which are inimical to us.. Maybe we can look effusive in public.. and that is what we call diplomacy.. but we have to be careful about the menials of our enemies.. Ultimately, we have to save our backs from unexpected stabs..

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