Monday, March 09, 2020

may waters cure us

शं नो देवीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये।
शं योरभिस्रवन्तु नः॥
ऋ सं। अ। ७ अ ६ व ५
śaṁ no devīrabhiṣṭaya āpo bhavantu pītaye|
śaṁ yorabhisravantu naḥ||
ṛ saṁ | a| 7 a 6 va 5
अब्देवता दीप्यमानाः सन्त्वस्मभ्यं सुखप्रदाः।
पानादये त्वभिष्टाय भवन्तु शमनं रुजाम्॥
भियं च दूरीकरणं यथा स्यात्प्रसरन्तु नः॥

abdevatā dīpyamānāḥ santvasmabhyaṁ sukhapradāḥ|
pānādaye tvabhiṣṭāya bhavantu śamanaṁ rujām||
bhiyaṁ ca dūrīkaraṇaṁ yathā syātprasarantu naḥ||
The meaning is
The presiding deities of the holy waters who are shining forth with great lustre may provide welfare and comfort to us.
They may bless us by providing water for drinking.
They may fulfill all our prayers and entreaties and desires.
They may cure all our diseases
They may destroy or mitiagate all our fears.
May they flow with such favourable attitude.. in a very favourable manner, carrying our welfare too in such flow...
The above vedic mantram "Sham no deveerabhistaye .. " is recited usally as representing AtharvaVeda..
It is found in Atharva Veda and Rigveda and Vajasaneyee Samhita of Yajurvedam too..

It is also chanted as a mantram worshipping Lord Shaneeshvara ..
That usage is just phonetic.. Sham na.. or shanna.. is superimposed as Shani because it pronounces almost like Shani.. that is all..
but the meaning of the mantram is in praise of waters..
A vyakhyanam of the mantra by a learned vedic commentator is also given above

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