Saturday, March 21, 2020

do it right, do it in time..

यस्तु कालव्यतीतेषु मित्रकार्येषु युज्यते।
स कृत्वा महतोऽप्यर्थान् न मित्रार्थेन युज्यते॥
श्रीमद्वाल्मीकिरामायणे ४-२९-१४
yastu kālavyatīteṣu mitrakāryeṣu yujyate|
sa kṛtvā mahato'pyarthān na mitrārthena yujyate||
srīmadvālmīkirāmāyaṇe 4-29-14

The above slokam comes as an advice from Hanuman to Sugriva.. it occurs in the KishkindaKandam of Valmiki Ramayanam.

Rama lost Sita to Ravana through a deception and accompanied by Lakshmana, was wandering with remorse in the forest.
The brothers met Hanuman the monkey and through his good offices, stuck a friendship with the monkey chieftain, Surgriva..
An understanding was reached between Sugriva and Rama to the effect that Rama would cause the defeat of Vali, the brother of Sugriva and secure the monkey fiefdom to Sugriva..
( This Bali had actually banished Sugriva from the land of monkeys in a cruel manner and had usurped Ruma the wife of Sugriva too.)
It was also agreed that Sugriva, with his posse of monkeys would set out in search of Sita, would find her and would help in restoring her to Rama,

In fact, Rama had fulfilled his part of the promise, and Sugriva was anointed as the king of monkeys..
It was the turn of Sugriva to live up to his words..
It was rainy season after the coronation of Sugriva.. and the monkey spent his life in his own abode enjoying life to its full.

However the brothers Rama and Laksmana were camping outside the ramparts, expecting necessary action on the part of Surgriva

But, mired in sensual pleasures, Sugriva had forgotten all propriety..
He was just spending days in dining, wining and womanizing

The prime advisor of the monkey chief, who played a key role in bringing together Rama and Sugriva, felt uneasy.
He was conscious of the fact that Sugriva had derived great benefit from Rama, but when time came to reciprocate, the monkey was lax..
He knew that Rama was very powerful although genial, and if the attitude of the monkey irritated Rama, that could be disastrous to the monkey and his kingdom.

So Hanuman approached King Sugriva and presents this advice .================

Oh King, if one just delays or dithers on things which he is bound by duty to perform, especially in respect of friends, such help or assistance rendered to a friend would be of no use either to himself or the the delayed action would have ruined everything..

Any action delayed is denied, destroyed.. Timing is the essence

Hanuman here is alluding to the dangers that can befall Sugriva and Rama too if timely action for rescue of Sita is not undetaken.

Firstly, if Rama is irritated, it would be disaster for Sugriva and all those who depend on him
Secondly, Sita has been in captivity for too long, and any delay in searching for her and rescuing her would mean great danger to the safety and security of that Lady..

So, if any action is undertaken with all pomp and flourish, but if the action lacked timing, or if the action was delayed, then that action would not be effective..

Of course this idea of right timing applies to every plan, proposal, performance..

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