Saturday, March 21, 2020

musings 125

There appear to be two extreme points to our thought process with innumerable temporary resting shelters in between in our journey from one point to the other..
When we are born almost a nil data base to follow up, we tend to just believe in our mothers and other elders and in our immediate environments and just presume that whatever they think of do are the only right things.. and such actions are right in absolute terms..

The growth of some persons stop almost at that level, although more and more data is added to the information cache, but such information is processed on the basis of thoughts and habits inherited..
Many people are born grow up even die like that..

But the inquisitive, maybe the nosy fellows among us,
permit our thoughts to jump into or encroach upon new areas

Then we tend to get a feeling that what we think as gospel truth just on the basis of the attitudes to which we are indoctrinated or those we inherit have limitations..

In some cases we tend to make minor alterations to our approaches, and in other cases, on the basis of our altered outlook, we may just give up our old standards of evaluation and even become iconoclasts and oppose the established values and even flout them....

Due to social and physical compulsions the transformation in many of us would never reach the logical end point..

Many of us remain somewhere in between, neither heretics, nor believers, but just skeptics..

But I think making an enquiry into things before accepting them rather than just accepting things just because our fathers and grandfathers accepted them without questioning, is far better..

Such process of enquiry alone can make the society dynamic..

Change is the sign of vitality in social transactions..
Rigid societies die without notice..

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