Sunday, March 01, 2020

do not visit empty handed...

रिक्तपाणिर्न पश्येत राजानं देवतं गुरुम्।
दैवज्ञं पुत्रकं मित्रं फलेन फलमादिशेत्॥ 

सदानन्दस्य वेदान्तसारे विक्र्मचरिते च 

riktapāṇir‍na paśyeta rājānaṃ devataṃ guruṃ। 

daivajñaṃ putrakaṃ mitraṃ phalena phalamādiśet॥ 

वेदान्तसारः (सदानन्दः) as quoted from Vikramacharita 

riktapāṇirna paśyeta rājānaṁ devataṁ gurum|
daivajñaṁ putrakaṁ mitraṁ phalena phalamādiśet|| 

in Vedanta saara of Sadananda and in Vikramacharitam 

अग्निहोत्रं गृहं क्षेत्रं गर्भिणीं वृद्धबालकौ। 

रिक्तहस्तेन नोपेयाद् राजानं देवतां गुरुम्॥ 

महासुभाषित संग्रहे (209) सुभाषित रत्न भाण्डागारे नीतिशास्त्रे  च 

agnihotraṃ gṛhaṃ kṣetraṃ gar‍bhi ṇīṃ vṛddhabālakau। 

riktahastena nopeyād rājānaṃ devatāṃ guruṃ॥ 

209 (Maha-subhashita-samgraha) subhashitaratnabhaandaagara 

neetisshastram  in telugu 

Two important Subhashitams were found underlining the fact that when we go on a visit to certain type of people we should carry with us some presents for them and our hands should not be empty. 

the meaning of the first slokam found in Vedantasara as a quote from Vikramacharitham 

When we go to visit
the king..
the God.. 

the Guru. the teacher
. the seer or the astrologer..
a small child..
a friend..
we should not go empty handed..
We should take some present with us ..
at least a fruit..
Because our journeys shall fruitful only when we offer some fruit or something fruitful..
The purpose of the visit may be asking for some favour or for showing our affection..
Either way we want to see the person whom we visit to be in a happy mood..
A present, however tiny would be welcome because the recepient would definitely sense our care and concern for them through such gits..
That should brighten up the spirits of any normal human being.. 

The meaning of the second slokam found in Subhashita Ratna Bhaandaagaram, Mahaasubhaashita Sangraham and Neetisaaram (in Telugu)

We should not go empty handed to a visit a place 

Where agnihotram or regular oblations to fire are being performed. 

When we visit a residence 

When we visit an agricultural field 

When we visit a place where a pregnant lady is present 

When we pay a visit to a place where either elderly people of smaal children are present 

When we seek an audience with the king 

When we visit the presence of a Deity for worship 

When we approach a guru 

Some activist and votaries for corruption free transactions may frown upon this idea

And there are prigs.. their number is on the increase, who declare their uprightness and independence by printing on marriage and other invitations that presents are to be avoided..

What a nonsense..
Our culture demands offering of presnets on happy occasions..
The presents and gifts symbolize love and care..

The persons who hand over invitation cards with the warning
" kindly avoid presents"
or the same ides with some slightly polished words like
" presents in blessings only" ,
are just delivering unkind slaps on the face of the guests and near and dear whom they invite

A present is a token of affection and care..
It need not be bribe or inducement..
This is not to justify illegal gratification being camouflagued as presents..
But we are a cultured lot..
We should know and usually we know where to draw the line..

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