Monday, March 02, 2020

For the industrious and hard-working there cannot be any poverty.

उद्योगे नास्ति दारिद्र्यं जपतो नास्ति पातकं।
मौनेन कलहो नास्ति जागृतस्य च नो भयं॥
udyoge naasti dāridryaṁ japato nāsti pātakaṁ|
maunena kalaho nāsti jāgṛtasya ca no bhayaṁ||

For the industrious and hard-working person there cannot be any poverty.
For a person in whose mind and lips play the Lord's name, there can be no sin left behind.
There cannot be any quarrel when a person adopts silence as his best policy.

And for the person who is alert and awake, there can be no fear.
The maxims may be seem very ordinary, but the inimitable style in which the great statesman Chanakya present them is really attractive.

The poverty of Individuals, groups of Individuals and in villagaes states and countries all has its roots in the lack of initiative and hard-work on the part of the people.
Like having a national bird or national animal, it would appear that some nations adopt laziness as the national character.

The only way to mitigate one's own sins is to chant the divine name sincerely..
Such chanting would go a further step beyond annihilating our sins.. It would not permit us to commit sins.. Krishna, Krishna

Usually conflicts happen because of wrong and inappropriate use of the tongue..
Silence is the hallmark of strength for the learned..
But more importantly silence is the only weapon for the meek, weak and the idiotic ( though the idiot will not realize it)..J
ust think of an environment where words are not wasted!
Of course that is just a dream, a hope..

We get cheated mainly because we are not alert either mentally or physically or both..
Lack of alertness is the twin brother of laziness. These two go together admirably well and work very effectively to the our detriment..

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