Monday, March 16, 2020

formalities have their value..

Had occasion to read a post in social media group flamboyantly declaring that age and formalities mean very little for achievement.

I cannot agree. Of course some people including youngsters do achieve treading the unorthodox path. But that does not justify vocal and verbose decrying of traditional methods

And I have read that post. It is a point of view.
But human mind as it is.. I am sure that a lot of formalities and ceremonies actually helps in building up.confidence level..

And every civilized human cluster has recognized age as a factor in bringing about more balance and maturity.

Age or ceremony may not be everything.

But the tone of the author that age means very little is just exaggeration.

I know I have been young and quite well read at 20..
And I have taken many serious decisions for myself and for the state too even before crossing thirty.
But looking back through my grey hairs of sixty five years I feel that I would have done many times better had I taken the decisions today.

Of course some people attain maturity even at a young age.
But that is exception.

We perform and follow so many ceremonies in life even when we are convinced that such ceremonies have little practical utility.
But the buffer space such ceremonies provide add real value to our healthy existence.

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