Sunday, March 15, 2020

we converse with God in prayer..

If not the prayer, the mind of the person who prays, when that mind interacts with the Infinite Being might do something good..
Something good can happen that way..
But I have to mention one view expressed by all leaders of religion..

The language in which the prayer is written by some great personage, after discovering it(the prayer) in His own way, in any language will be effectively best only when the prayer is repeated in that language..
Translations can help to understand the meaning..

But a Thirupughazh or Thevaram or Paasuram in Tamil will be an effective mantram.. but that need not work if translated to Sanskrit..
A prayer in Bible in Hebrew or Latin will be most effective in that language..
The Holy Qran will be its best in Arabic..

Adhyatma Ramayanam or Harinamakeerthanam can work only in Malayalam..

And I have found some mantrams which have no language at all.. I do want to identify them and do not want to mention about them.. they are Secret.. in their Tantric nature..

But ultimately, we human beings exist and live somewhat reasonably in good shape because the Maker is very kind and also because there would be a father, mother, sibling, offspring, grandchild or a good friend who wishes well for us and also takes our case for mercy of the Man upstairs..

My view cannot be proved..
And God will never appear as witness for us..
But I have felt is for all the sixty two years I have lived..

From the day I was born in a remote place in Kottakkal in Malappuram District.. in the midday and a fellow from the remote Palani arrived with the Prasadam of Palaniandavar just two hours later.. without any notice..

For a believer it is a miracle.. but for a skeptic it is just a coincidence..

I have lived the life of a skeptic too but now I am a believer..

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