Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Kings, do not be jealous...

Kings, do not be jealous...
हर्तुर्याति न गोचरं किमपि शं पुष्णाति यत्सर्वदा
ह्यर्थिभ्यः प्रतिपाद्यमानमनिशं प्राप्नोति वृद्धिं पराम्।
कल्पान्तेष्वपि न प्रयाति निधनं विध्याख्यमन्तर्धनम्
येषां तान्प्रति मानमुज्झत नृपाः कस्तैः सह स्पर्धते॥१६
भर्तृहरेः नीतिशतके॥
harturyāti na gocaraṁ kimapi śaṁ puṣṇāti yatsarvadā
hyarthibhyaḥ pratipādyamānamaniśaṁ prāpnoti vṛddhiṁ parām|
kalpānteṣvapi na prayāti nidhanaṁ vidhyākhyamantardhanam
yeṣāṁ tānprati mānamujjhata nṛpāḥ kastaiḥ saha spardhate||16
bhartṛhareḥ nītiśatake||

A masterpiece creation by Bhartruhari, the Philosopher King
From Neetishatakam

in praise of the wealth that is called knowledge..
No one, not even kings need be jealous of the scholars.

The secret and unadvertised wealth known by the name knowledge
Never reaches the notice of the thief.( And it cannot be stolen even if the thieves would want to do that )
That knowledge always provides and enriches the welfare of all in one way or other
That knowledge always grows and gets multiplied when and even if given or distributed without interruptin and in great abundance to all those who seek it..
That knowledge does not get depleted or destroyed even when ( all other things get destroyed) at the time of deluge arising when the eon or Kalpa ends
. Oh kings, please give up your sense of jealousy and intolerance against those who possess such knowledge
who would and who could keep enmity with them ( and survive too)

Knowledge just grows to greater magnitudes when it is shared.
It can be imparted.. but cannot be snatched away or stolen

Normally, the kings are jealous of others possessing any hidden wealth and would try to confiscate such wealth even by using force..
But knowledge is a secret wealth which cannot be depleted by confiscation or inmical actions by force by the king or the State.. So the kings need not entertain jealousy or enmity towards great scholars..

विद्या आख्यं अन्तर्धनं the secret or none too apparent wealth known by the name knowledge
हर्तुः गोचरं न याति. Never reaches the notice of the thief.
तद् किं अपि शं पुष्णाति . That knowledge always provides and enriches the welfare of all in one way or other
यत् सर्वदा अर्थिभ्यः अनिशं प्रतिपाद्यमानं अपि परां वृद्धिं प्रापोति हि.
That knowledge always grows and gets multiplied when and even if given or distributed without interruptin and in great abundance to all those who seek it..
तद कल्पान्तेषु अपि निधनं न प्रयाति. That knowledge does not get depleted or destroyed even when ( all other things get destroyed) at the time of deluge arising when the eon or Kalpa ends
नृपाः तद् विद्या येषां तान् प्रति मानं उज्जत . Oh kings, please give up your sense of jealousy and intolerance against those who possess such knowledge
. कः तैः स्पर्धते ? who would and who could keep enmity with them ( and survive too)

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