Tuesday, March 10, 2020

the classy leader

आत्मप्रतीतिर्दृढता विरक्तिरिति त्रयं स्वात्मनि यो दधाति।
नेता स एवास्ति समस्त शिष्टगुणाश्रयन्निखिलप्रजानाम्॥
महासुभाषितसङ्ग्रहे ४५९१ लुड्विक् स्टीन्बाक्
ātmapratītirdṛḍhatā viraktiriti trayaṁ svātmani yo dadhāti|
netā sa evāsti samasta śiṣṭaguṇāśrayannikhilaprajānām||
mahāsubhāṣitasaṅgrahe 4591 luḍvik sṭīnbāk

The true qualities of a leader of the people is summarized in this Subhashitam.. the couplet is found in many celebrated compilation and is Cataloged by the great Scholar Ludvik Steinbak in his monumental work MahasubhAshita Sangraham.

The meaning
He alone becomes the leader of all the people
the one who is having absolute confidence in himself
the one who is firm and unswerving in furthering his action plans
the one who is rather withdrawn or indifferent towards personal fame and comforts
If the person inculcates confidence in himself, decisiveness and sense of withdrawal from selfish motives, all other good qualities necessary for a leader and the spontaneous backing of the people would follow these three qualities so naturally..
I think Rama was such a leader..
Gandhiji was such a leader
and sure, we have a leader at present just falling under that category ..
Let us ponder as to whether we deserve him for long..

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