Tuesday, March 31, 2020

May the goddess of speech protect us..

May the goddess of speech protect us..

A prayer from Rigvedam..

देवीं वाचमजनयन्त देवास्तां विश्वरूपाः पशवो वदन्ति।
सा नो मन्द्रेषमूर्जं दुहाना धेनुर्वागस्मानुप सुष्टुतैतु॥११
ऋग्वेदे ८-१००-११
devīṁ vācamajanayanta devāstāṁ viśvarūpāḥ paśavo vadanti|
sā no mandreṣamūrjaṁ duhānā dhenurvāgasmānupa suṣṭutaitu||11
ṛgvede 8-100-11
This spoken word as the means of expression of our great ideas and action plans and directions is inherent in all living creatures as the means of communication

( there are four types of sounds..para, pashyantee, madhyama and Vaikhari.. the Vaak here is actually perceived as the Madhyama Vani)..

This Vaak or spoken word is created by Gods..

And all living beings including men make these sounds.. some of the sounds are clear and audible and some of the sounds are unclear or not audible..

( Madhyama sounds starting from the heart region are audible.. and Vaikhari which forms subtler sounds like musical notes are also mostly in the audible range.. The para and pashyantee.. though perceptible by mind are not audible.)

That Vaak which is verily a Goddess herself is always pleased when she is praised through these words and makes us happy through the production of these words.
May she provide us copious rains and through those rains, may she cause the growth of food -grains which are our source of energy and sustenance..
May she cause the flow of milk, ghee etc, producing them as if she were verily the benevolent cow..
Praised by us, may the goddess of Vaak… bless us with all our needs in plenty..

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