Wednesday, April 01, 2020

very productive qualities

शास्त्रेषु निष्ठा सहजश्च बोधः
प्रागल्भ्यमभ्यस्तगुणा च वाणी॥
कालानुरोधः प्रतिभानवत्व-
मेते गुणाः कामदुघाः क्रियासु॥
śāstreṣu niṣṭhā sahajaśca bodhaḥ
prāgalbhyamabhyastaguṇā ca vāṇī||
kālānurodhaḥ pratibhānavatva-
mete guṇāḥ kāmadughāḥ kriyāsu||

Extracted from the great drama Malatheemadhavam written by Bhavabhuthi.
Though a love story ostensibly presented for the enjoyment of the audience, the play is rich in many lifestyle lessons

The words are presented by the dramatist through the hero of the play Madhava..
The following qualities present in a person serves as if they are just spontaneous fountains which produce in abundance rich results for that man when he sets out to perform some action.
1. Steadfastness in studying and applying the principles and methodolgy given in established sciences and scriptures.
2. Inborn or intuitive sense of propriety, sense of what is right and what is wrong.
3. Trained efficiency of the highest order
4 Skill in articulation of words, and in effective communication.
5. Capacity to adopt to the times
6. The capacity of the intense intellect to adapt and respond to situtations, especially when novel ideas and unexplored paths are presented..
it is apparent that Bhavabhuti has followed the tenets of Arthashastram of Chanakya in presenting his lessons in lifestyle management..

Anyway, the lesson is valid and relevant, and is applicable to almost all irrespective of the times they lives in..

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