Sunday, March 15, 2020

Positivity.. the Gayatri way..

Positivity.. the Gayatri way..

In fact there are some very strong minds which refuse to think positively..
That can result in great damage to many..

There is a popular theory that the thoughts, be it positive or negative, manifest themselves to some sort of realistic physical results ..

The Rigvedic mantra of Gayatri or Savitri.. is a prayer that our mind may be invigorated towards positive thoughts..

It is for this reason than we are instructed to chant
Gayatri mantra at least 108 times
in the morning, 32 times in the afternoon and 64 times in the evening... Some texts prescribe chanting of 108 gayatris each in the morning, midday and evening.. during PrataH, Mahyaahnika and Sayam Sandhya..
Great sages advise that we should chant
gayatri mantra as many times as possible, and some are of the view that at least one thousand times everyday over and above the three Sandhyas..
Like Gayatri, chanting of other mahamantrams also can set the mind in the right direction and keep it well oriented..

Of course this is only a belief and an article of faith, but mind thrives on faith.. one can believe it or not. Choice is his

I am sure every Gayatri upasaka would have realized firsthand that whenever he chants Gayatri devotedly and in sufficiently large numbers, his moods get elevated and the response of the nature to his thoughts brightens up..

Even buddhists of Mahayana and Vajrayana sects used to subscribe to the manthram
"Om Manipadmey Hum"..

Of course chanting of a mantra may not be exactly in consonance with the original Buddhistic principles.. that is a different issue..

" The powerful effulgence centred in the orb of the Sun.. the eternal source of energy and life, is invoked to kindle our
intellect ."
. this is what Gayatri means in a nutshell..

We experience that all that is good comes from that God seen and felt by us in the shape of Savita the Sun.. and we pray to him..
It is faith inherited by us for thousands of years and which acts as the best reinforcement to the mind making it possible for us to attain a positive mood . perhaps the best recipe that anyone can have..

But some asinine and tough minds refuse to have faith..

Who can help them?
Even if we try to chant Gayatri mantra just like a rigmarole in the beginning, the supreme power will seep into our pshyche.. and in time we would become real upasakas..
( I am not making this remark as any disrespect to Mother Gayatri. She has fostered me for the past fifty five years or so..)

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