Sunday, March 15, 2020

worse than a bad action, a bad thought causes more damage

I am realizing too late in life that even worse than a bad action, a bad thought causes more damage..

We tend to live up to the expected standards of conduct as would be understood and evaluated by others.. through their sense organs and perceptions

But the cause of every action arises in our minds through thoughts..
The thoughts are either restrained or acted upon
And oppressed thoughts often reappear in worse forms..

Often, we, our minds, generate many many evil thoughts but we try to kill them because the action based on such thoughts would create problems for ourselves..

It is just a preventive measure..
And the restraint exercised by us can go haywire.. and we may act madly.. throwing to winds all propriety..

But if the thoughts themselves are well ordered, and are filled with care and concern for ourselves and others, there is no such danger at all..
The four letter word "hate" can be replaced by another word with same number of letters.." Love"..
Then whole world becomes lovely for all.

And others may not always recognize our bad thoughts..
But we know we have sinned through such thought..
And moreover, Krishna sits inside us and watches every thought arising in us..

सर्वस्य चाहं हृदि संनिविष्टः
My residence is the heart of every being..
He declared in Gita..
We cannot deceive Him

I would love to be honest to myself and my Krishna rather than having a stage managed good boy.. good Samaritan.. image..

But mind is a devil..
Mind is a monkey...
Mind is an imp..
And in spite of all His Mercy krishna is a prankster..
He would rather smile with indulgence when we plan and we fail..
Krishna I love you..

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