Sunday, March 01, 2020

Prudence lies in avoiding the brats

अपकारमसंप्राप्य तुष्येत् साधुरसाधुतः।
नैव लाभो भुजङ्गेन वेष्टितो यन्न दृश्यते॥
वल्लभदेवस्य सुभाषितावल्याम्॥ महसुभाषितसङ्ग्रहे 
apakāramasaṁprāpya tuṣyet sādhurasādhutaḥ|
naiva lābho bhujaṅgena veṣṭito yanna dṛśyate||
vallabhadevasya subhāṣitāvalyām|| mahasubhāṣitasañgrahe ca

A funny but really very realistic Subhashitam
If a decent and nice gentleman meets a rude ruffian and the ruffian just spares the former without heaping injury and insult, that is indeed a matter for great celebration for the good fellow..
If come across a venomous snake resting somewhere and the snake does not care to look at us, it is not a great benefit and profit too..
The basic nature of the evil minded fellow is to taunt, injure, berate, and even injure even a pious and harmless person.
The happiness of the evil fellow when he causes injury to a good man is hundredfold than the pleasure derived from him from fight with people of his own kind..

It is better to avoid such person, if one is not ready for a fight.. And it is indeed a great fortune if even after such unfortunate meeting, the bad fellow ignores us and walks off..
Of course there are naive people who will exchange pleasantries with such ruffians and would purchase trouble with capital T.

Meeting not only with a snake, but even a stray street dog can very well make our unfortunate day..

Prudence lies in avoiding the brats

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