Saturday, March 21, 2020

quotes from sages on widow remarriage..

I would like to give certain quotes from some sages.. for your reading about widow marriage... 

पराशरः -- नष्टेमृतेप्रव्रजिते क्लीबे च पतिते पतौ पञ्चापत्सुचनारीणां पतिरन्यो विधीयते।

अत्रिः-- नष्टे सन्यासमापन्ने व्याधिग्रस्ते च भर्तरि पुनः स्त्रीणं विवाहः स्यात् कलावपि न सम्शयः।

वैशंपायनः-- पुरुषाणामिवस्त्रीणां विवाहाः बहवो मताः। भर्तृनाशे पुनः स्त्रीणां पुंसां पत्नीलये यथा॥

जाबालि -- ब्राह्मणाः क्षत्रियाः वैश्याः शूद्राः स्वकुलयोषिताम् पुनर्विवाहम् कुर्वीरन् अन्यथा पापसम्भवः।

वसिष्टः-- भर्तृसंबन्ध शून्यानां भर्तृनाशे तु योषिताम्। पुनर्विवाहं कुर्वीत पापं नैव मनागपि।

याज्ञवल्क्यः-- भर्तृनाशे तु माङ्गल्यम् प्राप्तुमर्हति योषितः॥

parāśaraḥ -- naṣṭemṛtepravrajite klībe ca patite patau pañcāpatsucanārīṇāṁ patiranyo vidhīyate|
atriḥ-- naṣṭe sanyāsamāpanne vyādhigraste ca bhartari punaḥ strīṇaṁ vivahaḥ syāt kalāvapi na samśayaḥ|
vaiśaṁpāyanaḥ-- puruṣāṇāmivastrīṇāṁ vivāhaāḥ bahavo matāḥ| bhartṛnāśe punaḥ strīṇāṁ puṁsāṁ patnīlayae yathā||
jābāli -- brāhmaṇāḥ kṣatriyāḥ vaiśyāḥ śūdrāḥ svakulayoṣitām punarvivāham kurvīran anyathā pāpasambhavaḥ|
vasiṣṭaḥ--| bhartṛsaṁbandha śūnyānāṁ bhartṛnāśe tu yoṣitām| punarvivāhaṁ kurvīta pāpaṁ naiva manāgapi|
yājñavalkyaḥ--| bhartṛnāśe tu māṅgalyam prāptumarhati yoṣitaḥ||

Parashara    When the husband is absconding, dead,  has become a sannyasi,  has fallen from his social status,  has become eunuch.. in these five  unfortunate circumstances  it is prescribed that a lady can choose another husband.

Atri    When the husband is  lost or absconding,  when he has become a sannyasin,  when he is terminally ill  the  ladies can  marry again in this Kaliyuga

Vaishampayana..  Just like men, for ladies also  many marriages are prescribed.. when  death or destruction of the husband occurs. 

Jaabaali   Braahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras should  all  ensure that the ladies of their clans are safely remarried, ( when exigencies arise) otherwise they would be exposed to sins 

Vasishta.. When  the husband has deserted a lady, or  the husband is destroyed or dead,   then remarrige can be done.. There is no  element of sin involved here.

YajnavalkyaH    When the husband is lost or dead,   the ladies deserve  remarriage.

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