Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Sachidananda Shivabhinava Nrisimha Bharathi SwaminaH of Sringeri

सच्चिदानन्दशिवाभिनव्य नृसिंहभारत्यभिधान्यतीन्द्रान् ।
विद्यानिधीन् मन्त्रनिधीन् सदात्मनिष्ठान् भजे मानव शंभुरूपान् ॥

विद्यानिधीन् The treasurehouse of great knowledge
मन्त्रनिधीन् repository of great mantras
सदात्मनिष्ठान् absolutely steadfast in the pursuit of Atmajnaana and the rules of dharma
मानव शंभुरूपान् Lord Shankara or Shambu himself appearing as a man सच्छिदानन्द शिवाभिनव नृसिंह भारत्यभिधान known by the hallowed name Sachidananda Shivabhinava Nrisimha Bharathi
यतीन्द्रान् भजे I worship the foremost among the great Yatis or Sannyasins.

I offer my prnams and worship the great Yativarya famously known by the name Sachidananda Shivabhinava Nrisimha Bharathi ( Swaminah)
who is himself a treasurehouse of great knowledge and erudition,
who is the repository of many mahamantras,
who is steadfast in the pursuit of Atmajnaana and in strict establishment of Dharma,
who is Lord Shankara the Sahmbu who has incarnated in human form.
Sri Gurubhyo NamaH Sri Gurubhyo NamaH Sri Gurubhyo NamaH

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