Wednesday, March 04, 2020

The Lingaarchana mantras

The Lingaarchana mantras
निधनपतये नमः।
निधनपतान्तिकाय नमः।
ऊर्ध्वाय नमः।
ऊर्ध्वलिङ्गाय नमः।
हिरण्याय नमः।
हिरण्यलिङ्गाय नमाः।
सुवर्णाय नमः।
सुवर्णलिङ्गाय नमः।
दिव्याय नमः।
दिव्यलिङ्गाय नमः।
भवाय नमः।
भवलिङ्गाय नमः।
शर्वाय नमः।
शर्वलिङ्गाय नमः।
शिवाय नमः।
शिवलिङ्गाय नमः।
ज्वलाय नमः।
ज्वललिङ्गाय नमः।
आत्माय नमः।
आत्मलिङ्गाय नमः।
परमाय नम्ः।
परमलिङ्गाय नमः।
एतत्सोमस्य सूर्यस्य सर्वलिङ्गं स्थापयति पाणीमन्त्रं पवित्रम्॥ १६-१
महानारायनोपनिषदि तैत्तिरीय आरण्यके॥
nidhanapataye namaḥ|
nidhanapatāntikāya namaḥ|
ūrdhvāya namaḥ|
ūrdhvaliṅgāya namaḥ|
hiraṇyāya namaḥ|
hiraṇyaliṅgāya namāḥ|
suvarṇāya namaḥ|
suvarṇaliṅgāya namaḥ|
divyāya namaḥ|
divyaliṅgāya namaḥ|
bhavāya namaḥ|
bhavaliṅgāya namaḥ|
śarvāya namaḥ
śarvaliṅgāya namaḥ|
śivāya namaḥ|
śivaliṅgāya namaḥ|
jvalāya namaḥ|
jvalaliṅgāya namaḥ|
ātmāya namaḥ|
ātmaliṅgāya namaḥ|
paramāya namḥ|
paramaliṅgāya namaḥ|
etatsomasya sūryasya sarvaliṅgaṁ sthāpayati pāṇīmantraṁ pavitram|| 16-1
mahānārāyanopaniśadi taittirīya āraṇyake||

The twenty two names invoking the Supreme Lord Shiva, who is invoked as a linga.. the linga or an idol of simple, elegant and sublime shape transcending all worldly symbols and icons..

The lingam is where the Universal Lord manifests as the eternal witness of day and night.. Soma, the moon and Surya the sun.

The twentyone names given in the vedic mantra above.. are invoked when the Shiva lingam is consecrated at home, at temples, or anywhere, wherever the presence of that supreme being is manifest..

And there is nothing, no space, where He is not present..

The translation of the prayer (Mantram).. in simple words..
Pranams to the one who creates and supervises the final deluge and destruction at the time of Pralayam
Pranams to the one who is the cause of death even to Yama, the deity who causes death to living beings.
Pranams to the one who is stationed above in space and in status too above all that is considered great and who possesses control over are other things.
Pranams to the one whose form of Sadashiva is the ultimate form towering over all the visible and invisible forms.
Pranams to the one who is having an existence that gives ecstasy for sense organs as well as the inner spirits of all others.
Pranams to the one who manifests in a linga of gold.
Pranams to the one who is scintillating with dazzling shine of pure gold.
Pranams to the one who manifests in a linga.. or form of pure gold.
Pranams to the one who is the storehouse of all the happiness and enjoyments in the heavenly region.
Pranams to the one who manifests himself as the linga occupying the heaven.
Pranams to the one who is the cause and substance of creation of all this universe
Pranams to the one who is being worshiped in the form of linga by all who occupy this material world
Pranams to the one who causes destruction and annihilation of the whole universe at the end of Yugas, Kalpas etc
Pranams to the linga of Sharva who is the root cause for the sustenance and welfare of all beings alive.
Pranams to Shiva.. the calm one
Pranams to the linga of Shiva..
Pranams to the one who manifests as glorious resplendent light..(or flames)
Pranams to the linga of the one who manifests as glorious light.. or jyothi.
Pranams to the one who is occupying the ultimate inner spot or core of every being.. the atma
Pranams to the one who can be realized as the occupant of the core of every being.. concealed as the core of every Atma.

Pranams to the supreme one, the one who can never be compared with anything
Pranams to the one who is the supreme element inherent in every being, concealed in every being as the supreme components and rendering all other components function through His powers.

This is the mantram invoking the glory of the one Soma.. the one who is having the lovely company of Uma, and also manifests in the moon, and in the Sun too.. This is the sacred mantram when chanted holding the linga in the hands of the sadhaka, invokes the presence of that Great Lord in the Idol of Shivalingam

It is a very sacred Vedic Mantam.
The spirit of this mantram ensures the presence of Shankara with His lovely Uma in every lingam we try to worship with devotion..

Namah Shivaya.

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