Sunday, March 15, 2020

The difference between empty talkers and solid performers

The difference between empty talkers and solid performers
गर्जति शरदि न वर्षति वर्षति वर्षासु निस्स्वनो मेघः।
नीचो वदति न कुरुते न वदति सुजनः करोत्येव॥
garjati śaradi na varṣati varṣati varṣāsu nissvano meghaḥ|
nīco vadati na kurute na vadati sujanaḥ karotyeva||

( A Subhashitam from an anthology in Sanskrit)
Clouds in the autumn or Sharat season make a lot of roaring noise, prouducing thunder and lightning.. but very rarely will there be any rain.. or there may be no rain at all

In the monsoon or Varsha season, the clouds pour silently and without making any sounds or shows like thunder and lightning

Just like that the lowly and showy people just talk, make loud promises, give a lot of assurances, but do very little.

But great people, people with character, do not talk much, but they do all the good for the benefit of others instead of making false promises.

मेघः शरदि गर्जति परन्तु न वर्षति clouds in the autumn make a lot of sound, showing thunder and lightning.. but very rarely will there be any rain.. or there may be no rain at all
निस्स्वनो मेघः वर्षासु वर्षति. In the monsoon or Varsha season, the clouds pour silently and without making any sounds or shows like thunder and lightning
नीचः वदति.. न कुरुते Just like that the lowly and showy people just talk, make loud promises, give a lot of assurances, but do very little.
सुजनः न वदति करोत्येव But great people do not talk much, but they do all the good for the benefit of others

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